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'Epic'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2013.09.29 [Scrum] Story hierarchy

[Scrum] Story hierarchy

카테고리 없음 2013. 9. 29. 17:51 by manywaypark

허접 번역:

  • 스크럼 테마는 스토리 계층구조의 최상위 수준이며 유형의 제품(거래 어플리케이션) 또는 추상적 목표(성능 튜닝) 관점을 기술한다. 제품 소유자(product owner)가 테마를 하나 이상의 에픽(epic)으로 분해한다.
  • 에픽은 관련된 스토리들의 묶음 또는 스토리로 현실화되지 않은 요구사항의 뭉치(block)를 말한다.
  • 스토리는 제품 요구사항 또는 비즈니스 케이스의 간단한 서술이다. 전형적으로, 스토리는 일반 언어로 표현되어 소프트웨어가 무엇을 성취해낼 것인가를 이해하는데 도움을 준다. 제품 소유자가 스토리를 만든다. 스크럼 사용자가 스토리를 하나이상의 테스크로 분할한다.
  • 스크럼 테스크는 스토리를 완료하기위한 (신중히 선택된) 작업의 일부이다.

원문 발췌:

  • A scrum theme is the highest level of the story hierarchy and describes a view of a tangible product (such as a trading application) or an abstract goal (such as performance tuning). A product owner breaks down a theme into one or more epics.
  • An epic groups related user stories together or describes a block of requirements that have not yet been rationalized into stories.
  • A story is a brief statement of a product requirement or a business case. Typically, stories are expressed in plain language to help the reader understand what the software should accomplish. Product owners create stories. A scrum user then divides the stories into one or more scrum tasks.
  • Scrum tasks are the discreet pieces of work required to complete a story.

부가 설명:


Themes can contain one or more epics. Multiple themes can be associated with a product, but a theme cannot be associated with more than one product at a time.


Epics organize the work needed to complete parts of a theme into smaller, more manageable pieces. You can associate an epic to a product, theme, or a configuration item (an item or service being affected). You can also define child epics. You can associate multiple epics with a single theme, but an epic can only be associated with one theme at a time.


An epic can have one or more stories, but a story can belong to only one epic at a time. A story should be small enough to be completed in one sprint. The estimated effort required to complete a story is measured in story points, with more points being assigned to stories requiring more effort. Story points are arbitrary measurements of the effort (not necessarily the time) required to complete a story, based on the estimates of scrum team members. The work required for a story can be broken down into discreet scrum tasks.

After creating stories and tasks, manage and track them to completion through the story and scrum task progress boards.

For tips and best practices on writing effective stories, see Well-Written Scrum Stories.


A scrum task might require between four and twelve hours to complete. Team members volunteer for tasks based on their skills and track the hours remaining on a daily basis. The time remaining is reflected in the sprint burn down chart. If the planned hours for a task exceed an agreed upon period of time, such as eight hours, the task can be split into additional tasks. A story is not complete until all of its tasks are complete.


happy hackin'

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